Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday, March 14, 2016

Hello, Hello! 

So I guess I’ll start out with the big event of the week...on Thursday we were able to have a multi-mission conference with Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the presidency of the Seventy as well as Elder Uceda, our area president. Wow, wow, wow how I loved it. I received so much guidance and direction from the spirit and had specific names of investigators come to mind as he shared thoughts and teachings with us. It was amazing how the Lord was able to answer all of my questions and concerns through one of his servants. I also loved the things Elder and Sister Uceda shared with us. They talked a lot about who we are really becoming as missionaries and that just as important as our to-do list as missionaries is our to-be list. So beautiful to remember that everything we are doing in this time is preparing us to be servants of the Lord later on in life, especially with our future responsibilities as parents and spouses. I´ll admit it was one of the trunkiest (means makes us think of life back home after the mission) conferences I’ve been to in the mission, however, I loved seeing how everything relates and is part of God´s great plan for our lives. It really helped me to think about what I’ve learned in these 13 months here and what else the Lord needs me to learn and do in the 5 months remaining. I know it is going to fly by and that scares me to death. But I am also confident that the Lord has a plan for me and if I am diligent in searching for what he wants me to do, I will be able to return home without regrets. Lots of great inspiration. :) 

A few things he shared that I loved:
-Love is a commandment. We are commanded to love all people but we must also recognize that love is a choice. It is impossible to "fall out of love" with our spouse if we are both putting in a conscious effort. It is a decision we make to love someone. 

-We cannot force obedience. The word Discipline comes from the same stem as Disciple which means a pupil or learner. When we discipline, it should be to teach. As parents we will be tempted to try to force our children to be obedient, but we must not do that. The only way to change someone is to do it from the inside out. Alma 31:5 shows how the only way to change someone is teaching them the doctrine and word of God. Elder Packer has said that the study the gospel will improve behavior even faster than the study of behavior will improve behavior. 

-He taught the principle of perspective and attitude by sharing the experience of Nephi and his family. 1 Nephi 17:20 Laman and Lemuel always saw the glass half empty and focused on their trials and challenges. 1 Nephi 17:2 Nephi went through the exact same experience in the desert and recognized that the glass was definitely not full, they still had challenges, but he saw it half full and decided to focus on the blessings of the Lord. 

It was an awesome conference and I wish I could share everything but I’m out of time. :) 

Update on F..., I mentioned that he hadn´t come to church because he had tried fasting and got sick. We visited him this week and asked him what happened and he told us that he had ended up fasting 3 meals instead of just 2!! Somehow he misunderstood us when we were explaining that he could start with a half-fast to get used to things but ended up doing a "One and a half" fast. Poor kid, but he just laughed it off and told us he is now confident he can do a normal fast next month. :) He is such a good kid and has so much desire to be exactly obedient. Please pray for his mom L... who we are also trying to teach and help be baptized. She is softening little by little but needs prayers. 

And now the moment my family has been waiting to hear my whole mission...............................this week I ate Quí!!! (Guinea Pig) Hahaha, I thought I was going to make it through my whole mission without eating it because it isn´t common here in Lima, more in the provinces. But I did try a little bit this week at our pensionista´s mom´s birthday and it was actually pretty good. I didn´t see the whole body and head and everything so that made it easier, but I can now say I´m a real Peruvian. :) 

Please pray for C... and his family, L..., Z... (almost agreed to be baptized!), E... who needs to repent and come back to church, O... and A... that he can heal and they can accept the gospel,  and that we can find new investigators!

I love you so much and hope you have a wonderful week!!!!! Remember this week to see the glass half full and choose to love!! :) 

Hermana Cox

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