Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

Familia Y amigos!!!!!!!!!

What a week! Wow, wow, wow. It flew by but also was filled with so much every single day! We started the week with the temple which was perfect. Oh how I love the temple and the revelation and peace I receive there.  

Then on Wednesday we had a world training meeting that all the missionaries in all the world got to see. It was beautiful and I learned so many things that I want to apply. We learned nothing new but were reminded of all the things that we know but need to remember to do them daily and not fall into mediocre missionaries.  I loved that. Personally I want to focus more on being an instrument of the spirit as Elder Bednar taught and not trying to use the spirit as my instrument to teach what I think is best. I also loved how much emphasis they put on understanding repentance before we push baptism. Knowing how to repent and being a good repenter is what makes us true converts and helps us to progress throughout our lives. Without a correct knowledge of the Atonement and the repentance process we can never reach our full potential. 

This week we saw many, many miracles and F..., the referral we received from Germany that I mentioned last week, came to church and stayed the whole time! The youth did an amazing job at befriending him and he loved his experience. We have another lesson with him tonight and we are so excited to keep teaching him and see his progress. Just in this week we`ve seen his eyes take on a new light and have seen the change in him. It`s incredible to see.

We also had one of our less active members come to church again and he is returning strong! He has a huge desire to come back to church! He quit his job that made him work on Sunday, he has been meeting with us every week, coming to church all 3 hours and participating in the classes, he placed 2 copies of the Book of Mormon in his work last week, and most importantly he is trying to bring his wife and son back with him who are not yet members. We are planning a family home evening with them this week. :)

L..., the lady we contacted outside our apartment is awesome as well. We visited with her and she is excited to be baptized but she isn`t married to her boyfriend and they live together and have a child. But we explained to her the importance of being married before we live together and she asked us how she could get married in our church. We told her about the temple but that both people need to be members to enter. She then said, ¨So I can leave my boyfriend and find someone in the church, right?¨ Haha, well, I guess that`s one option. :) She wasn`t able to come to church this week but please keep praying for her.

We had our prayers answered with finding 6 new investigators who are all amazing and very prepared to hear the gospel. We are so happy and know that the Lord is hearing our pleas and blessing us for our hard work. Days of walking and contacting all day in the hot sun are surely paying off. :) The members are also helping so much and we`ve seen a big difference in the attitude of the ward. Wow, I love this work and it brings me so much joy. :)

Please pray for L..., L... and F..., J... and her family, C..., R... and K..., and Famila R....

Love you all! Have a wonderful week and always remember how much the lord loves you and wants to bless you. This week my companion and I were reading something and it said something to the effect of, "Our eternal salvation/where we will end up will be greatly determined by the depth of our conversion." How converted are you? What are you doing every day to be more converted to the gospel of Christ? Conversion is not a one-time event, it`s a life-long process that is not always easy, but brings us the most joy and satisfaction we can ever imagine. I`m so grateful to be here on my mission becoming more and more converted to the Lord every day and helping others in their process of conversion. :) I love you all so much!!!

Hermana Cox

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