Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Monday, January 04, 2016

Hola Familia y Amigos! 

Wow, what a week! I said goodbye to my dear Hermana Verdezoto Tuesday in the morning and then received my new companion Hermana Martinez! We shared a ward in Chosica so I know her pretty well and am so excited for this transfer together.  She came fully prepared to work and we were able to sit down, make lots of plans and changes, and this week start putting them into practice. We`ve already been seeing miracles! I`ll be honest, our area struggled last transfer and it made me so sad to have to drop investigators and less active members who weren`t progressing knowing we didn`t have many to begin with. But as we`ve put things in the Lord`s hands and tried to follow the spirit he`s been blessing us abundantly for our efforts. Because we didn`t have many investigators last transfer we worked a lot with members - gaining their trust, asking for referrals, having family home evenings, etc. And we are starting to see the fruits of those labors just this first week. We received many referrals from members, had many offer to accompany us in lessons, we searched the area book for old investigators and contacted the members who were helping them before and they agreed to recontact the people and help us find them again, and best of all we had a member family bring their friends to church yesterday who are really interested in listening to us. It`s very true that working with the members is the best way to do the work and we are ready to run with every person they give us!!! We also had 2 golden investigators contact us again after almost 2 months of disappearing and having no contact. Miracle after miracle this week! We have so many plans and goals and we know that if we are humble, put our trust in the Lord, and move forward with faith that the blessings will come. I`m sure of it. Hermana Martinez and I both feel that our area is on the point of explosion. :) Can`t wait to work hard this week and see what other miracles the Lord has in store for us! 

New Years was fun...very different than usual but simple and fun. We saw all the fireworks go off at midnight and listened to them all night which was fun. :) We were a little tired the next day and there was absolutely no one in the streets because they were all sleeping in their houses, but it was still a fun day. Then on Saturday I got to go back to Chosica to see a baptism of a girl I taught!!! Her name is Sandy and her little sister is named Cielo. My camera can`t connect to the computer right now but I’ll send pics next week. It was so sweet to see the fruits of our labors there and that she was able to keep learning and make the decision to be baptized. She is 16 and her little sister is 8. :) They are so sweet and already seem like members. It was a beautiful experience and fun to see Hermana Chavez again and other members from the ward. 

I love you all so much and hope you have a great week and a great start of the New Year. Today in my studies I found a scripture that I loved! Alma 26:22. It is the recipe for personal progression and how we can continue learning and growing and seeing miracles in our life. I loved it. :)  Also the talk from conference, ¨What lack I yet¨ is a great one to read to think about and set new goals for this coming year. 

Love you all! Thanks for the love and support!

Hermana Cox

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