Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday, February 15, 2016

Buenos Dias! I know that I say it every week, but this week was one of so many miracles!!! I`ll be honest and say that I have been a little stressed with combining the two areas and getting to know all the investigators, less-actives, and converts that the other sisters were teaching. The area is huge and we`ve been having to divide it into sections and focus on one section per day because there is no time to visit everywhere. But we are getting the hang of things and the ward has been awesome with helping us. I think my biggest worry is just that we are going to lose contact with people during this process and won`t be able to visit everyone as often as we would like. However, the Lord has been very clear this week that he is using this experience to teach me the importance of relying on him and trusting his timing and wisdom. He knows who is really ready and he will lead us to them. Yes, we have a huge responsibility but this is the Lord`s work and he knows what he is doing. I have no doubt he will guide us and help people progress. I am not the person who converts the people, that`s the spirit`s job. As long as I am doing my best and being a worthy and obedient instrument in the Lord`s hands, I have no need to worry that things will go exactly as he has planned. 

The Giant map of our area....

One miracle happened when we went to visit one of the investigators from the new area named Z.... The sisters had told us that they had plans to teach her about the plan of salvation because she had a lot of questions about it. We got there and spent a little time getting to know her and she told us she had a desire to learn more about the doctrine of eternal families and how it’s possible. So, we started explaining a little about the plan of salvation as planned but we just didn`t feel like it was satisfying her need or really reaching her. Then my companion started mentioning faith and asked her if she had faith in Jesus Christ. Surprisingly she told us that it was something that was very difficult for her. Her family raised her saying that God didn`t really exist and it was just something people made up that isn`t real. BUT, she told us that she had a desire to believe and that is why she had contacted the missionaries. Hermana Martinez and I felt like Ammon with King Lamoni as we started explaining who God was and our relationship with him. We explained what faith was and why it is necessary to develop our faith in Jesus Christ. We read Alma 32 with her about the seed and how we need to nurture it so it grows little by little. She asked us what she could do to strengthen her faith so we started talking a little bit about repentance which also interested her a lot because of some things that have happened in her past. It was beautiful to testify of the Savior and how repentance is only possible through him. Then came the explanation of the covenant of baptism. After explaining a little bit, we were out of time and needed to leave for another appointment but my companion and I both felt so strongly that we needed to invite her to be baptized. We did and she said, ¨Wow, I can`t believe I’m accepting this, but yes. I think I want to be baptized.¨  We had planned to invite her to be baptized the 27th of February if she accepted but as Hermana Martinez extended the baptismal date it came out the 5th of March. As soon as she said it Z... just gasped and said, ¨Wait, are you serious?¨ She started crying and explained that this date was very special to her for some personal reason that she didn`t explain, but said that she felt that God had put that date in our minds to invite her. She told us it was perfect and that that was the date she wanted to make this special covenant with God. I felt tears come to my eyes as well and just testified to her of God`s love and that the choice she was making would bless her life more than anything else. It was incredible and the spirit was so strong. It was amazing to see the sprit control that lesson and take her from not even sure if God existed to having the spirt confirm to her heart that this is true and that she should be baptized to make this covenant with him. She came to church yesterday with her sister and is still progressing well. 

We have F...`s baptism this Saturday and I am soooo excited!!! He is so ready and is just a little miracle for us. Please pray for him lots this week as Satan always tries to sneak his way in when the baptismal date gets close. Also please pray for J... and C... who also will be baptized in a few weeks! I don`t have more time, but hope you all have a wonderful week! 

HAPPY VALENTINE`S DAY!!!!!! Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hermana Cox

My cute companion decorated the room for Valentine`s day/my year mark while I was sleeping. :)

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